Dr. Thi Thu Giang Luu

Dr. Thi Thu Giang Luu


University of Bonn

Office: Auf dem Hügel 6, Room U1.010
E-Mail: tluu2@uni-bonn.de
Phone: +49 176 8825 5726

My research focuses on collaborating with users and stakeholders to design innovations and conduct holistic impact assessments of these innovations. The aim is to facilitate inclusive scalability of innovations and contribute to sustainability transitions. I like living in an environment where people respect and enjoy both nature and other people.

  • Decision analysis
  • Innovation design for scaling
  • Agro-climate services
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Agro-food systems
  • Sustainability transitions
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Gender equality
  • PhD candidate, 2019 - 2024

    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn

  • Research Fellow, 2018 - 2019

    International Climate Protection Fellowship, Humboldt Foundation

  • Intern, 2008

    Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

  • MSc in Biology, 2005 - 2008

    Vietnam National University

  • BSc in Biology Pedagogy, 2001-2005

    Vietnam National University
